What's New in Shoulder Surgery

A/Prof Matthew Howard is currently undertaking research in two key areas of shoulder surgery.

1 - Clinical outcomes of Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.

“ Given the correct indications the results of this prosthesis are promising. The technical challenges and pitfalls of its use however are many. I am conducting a literature review of clinical results and complications to be presented at the next meeting of the Shoulder and Elbow Society” 

2 - Treatment methods for Hill-Sachs defects found at the time of arthroscopic shoulder stabilisation

“ Large Hill Sachs defects of the humeral head can be a consequence of shoulder dislocation. The top of the arm bone (humeral head) engages on the shoulder socket (glenoid ) and can produce a defect of the head which, if large enough, will compromise the results of arthroscopic shoulder stabilisation. There is no consensus in the literature regarding how to deal with this complex situation. I am again undertaking a review to develop a treatment algorithm to guide management. This will also be presented to the Shoulder and Elbow Society.”